Monday, May 19, 2008

hiniku ne?

Im really sad that neither my scanner nor my digital camera picked up the green and brown tones. Im also sad that Blogger isnt communicating with my domain, making uploading and publishing on my sketchblog impossible. Im especially sad because Ive left myself wide open lately, coming off as really desperate.

But Im happy because sadness helps me draw!


hyperenvy said...

ironic! yay!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THISSSSS!!! I see you're sneaking on more and more color! YOU GO GRL! p.s. Lets make a book together

d said...

it's gorgeous. i bet the real thing is even gorgeouser.

neilornstein said...

this is one lovely drawing

josh pincus is crying said...

This drawing is absolutely beautiful! THIS is why I admire and am inspired by your work.

Connie said...

A wonderful drawing; hope things improve for you soon, and I don't think your art will go down hill if they do. I was born in Fort Pearce, Fla and now live outside Edinburgh; like you, I think this is the right direction.

Brine Blank said...

Wow...I think this could be my favorite of yours...nice contrasting things going on here...hope Japan is treating you well...

Brian Kennedy said...

This is REALLY great Jen!!!

Steve said...

I think if I ever had a tattoo, it'd be this (no, not your face j-girl! sadness helps me draw).

Actually, maybe I wouldn't have that as a tattoo. Cos it ain't always entirely true.

Generally sadness makes me crawl around moaning and snivelling on the FLOOR.

The draw comes when the sadness has abated a little.