Monday, September 24, 2007

"Konnichiwa, Bitches"

Jon has bought his ticket to visit me in December! I am super excited!

So I bought some instant drip coffee stuff, so I kind of have coffee now. The soy milk I bought tasted horrible. Maybe it wasnt soy milk.

I went to an electronics store last night and the laptops were all super cheap. I guess it would be cool to have a machine with kanji capabilities? After work settles down, and I know my branch isnt closing, I may try to buy a new computer (I feel bad stealing my roommate's all the time). I would need help figuring out all the specs though. I have time.

We're going to try to get an internet phone, so we can call the US & Canada wicked cheap. That would be rad. Seriously, Ive been doing way too much typing, and I havent even begun to describe what it is like here.

Last night the Aussie-across-the-hall-neighbor, Roomie, the English girl (I need to make better nicknames) and I went and played pool (I sucked) at the only place to do anything in Kudamatsu. Saturday night and it was hopping (not). There were a few Japanese people there playing, with really stern dedication, we were all loud, laughing, having some fun. Then we went to the video store and rented Dodgeball, which (for obvious reasons) I had never seen.

I want to post a video tour of the apartment later today. Stay tuned!


  1. This is how you buy tables in Japan:

    Stand near it for six hours, but don´t look at it or talk to anyone about it. Then leave the store. Do this again for three more days. As time passes, you prove that you are honourable enough to let the TABLE own YOU. The table then takes you back to your apartement. And never put a cup on it without a coaster, or you will lose your face and have to commit seppuku.

  2. video tour ought to be real shot and sweet since i already know how big ur apartment is lol. like maybe 2 6 tatami size rms with a cut out for a kitchen and bath if lucky. but it will be fun for your friends to see
    it. and when u live 4 hours from The City and an hr from the city ur probably lucky u have a place to play pool, suprise they dont have at least 1 karoke bar in town. good luck on ur kanji comp everybody should at least have 1 as a novelty j/k. oh they should have alcohol vending machines there some place.
    michael dailey

  3. wow. i think i laughed for an hour after reading Fred's post!
    It sounds like despite the locale, you are enjoying the experience. I'm super excited about coming to visit you. Does that mean i get to buy you dinner? hopefully we go to the 1 000 yen resto and not the 20 000 yen ones! (do 100Yen stores sell food?)
    Keep on blasting that Canadian Emo music around the world, it's the only way to spread pacifism!

  4. ps. I don't know how easy it is to get an internet phone based in N.A. in Japan, but remember when we went to Paris, i was able to connect my Montréal phone-box to the internet in the apartment and get and receive 'local' calls from North America?
    They must have something like that in Japan... I mean. They probably invented that technology!

  5. AW! I wanna be there when jon is there :-( :-( :-( !!!!!!!! Have you spoken to my bro yet?

  6. Jon in Japan.

    Has a certain ring to it.

  7. You´re welcome, Jon. I MADE A FUNNY!

  8. Love FJ's table story - and so true.

  9. By internet phone do you mean Skype? Because thats the intermanet phone all the crazy kids who are not me seem to be using.

    How much is it to fly to Japan? Cause in February I get my first big comics check and I'd OBVIOUSLY totally want to come and visit. Maybe me and Liz can double team supreme you and barf everywhere with laughs and exciting times. Oh wait, she's already been. EVERYONES ALREADY BEEN EXCEPT ME.


  10. this is dan wars- some good nicknames are Risk-o, hatrack ( for someone tall and skinny), shipwreck, and professor ( great for someone kinda slow and good natured).

  11. Yes, nate, Skype. And come visit, ill let you sleep in my closet (ウィthぃ

    thanks dan wars, you:re the best, new nicknames a-comin
