Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I am at an internet cafe in Hiroshima. I have no idea how much this is costing me. I somehow switched the keyboard over to kanji, but luckily there was an Australian next to me who knew how to fix that.

It is really hard typing on this keyboard, I dont know what to write about, except maybe how crappy my laptop is.

I havent gone out and seen the sites of the city yet, I plan to on Thursday morning, right before I get on the train to Kudamatsu. Oh, Kudamatsu, I miss you. Honestly, I like it better there than here. Too many people here, it is isolating. And I really appreciate my roommate now, after meeting people I could have potentially lived with.

I started training today, very strange. It is hard to get comfortable talking in front of strangers. Especially Japanese ones. I think the key is to relax and be natural, while sticking to the strict lesson plan.

Ok, my time is up! I guess I go find somewhere to pay (I know I did this wrong)?Sorry if I cant respond to people's emails right away.


  1. I'm glad you like your room mate. I wish there was something I could do to help w. your laptop issues. :-(

  2. thats wht i dont understand y doesn't ur crappy comp work. is not an electrical difference, sounds more tech, cause u said couldnt connect to the internet via a line only wireless which seems strange. if u dont like crowds never vist tokyo cause it will make hiroshima seem like kudamastu. good luck on ur training to be a eigo no sensei. o yasumi : michael dailey

  3. English sensei-ship. Welcome to the fold.

    And I spent 10 minutes the other day cursing at my keyboard because it found a brand new way to switch to kanji. "Fixed" it.
    Bummer it was so fragile.

  4. Hey, I returned last year after four years in the Hiro area. I grew to freakin love it and I miss it everyday. (Ok, except the humidity.) You have an amazing year in store. I'm so glad to have found your blog.

  5. Thanks for stopping by!

    Yeah, it is my computer that sucks, so if I ever get paid I may get a new one.

  6. Wow, I need to catch up on this reading bit...
