Sunday, September 23, 2007

Emo Sumo Children

I cant believe I.F.N. is on Blogger's "Blogs of Note!" That is so cool! I only wish I had something up there this week, go figure.

My bags came last night, so that was super exciting. I got my iPod and iHome setup, blasting slow Canadian emo music throughout the apartment. It is really hard not having any furniture. All my stuff is on the floor. And when it is super hot it makes it even harder to clean up. I kept collapsing on my "bed" (aka mat) between folding each shirt.

I went to The Mall today to buy some more towels, a key chain, and garbage pails (I wrote these three things on a list because I get so distracted), and I saw some pretty cheap shelving and little tables and desks in a department store. But I had no idea how to buy them! I stood around, hoping someone who worked there would come by and see me, but no one did. It was basically like a Target, there was a item on display with a price tag and a number attached, but I couldnt find where the boxes were. I didnt want to go find someone because I wouldnt know what to say to them. Id have to hold their hand and lead them over to the furniture. I dont know how the Japanese feel about hand holding.

Im watching a Japanese food show. So gross. They are eating bugs or fish or fish bugs or something.

Last night Roomie and I went out to dinner at the local Italian restaurant. She apologized for not bringing me somewhere Japanese, but I dont mind at all. There will be plenty of time for rice and seaweed in the next 362 days. I ordered pasta in a garlic sauce, with vegetables. The waiter came by and asked if Japanese vegetables were OK. I thought that was so cute. Imagine if I said "no, gross." What then? The vegetables were pretty universal, anyway. Mushrooms, zucchini, and something else, I dont remember (im a terrible travel-blogger, eh?). But there was these little bits of pink stuff that I swore was fish. I mean, maybe. It may have been tomato. They were really tiny bits. It didnt taste like fish, anyway. I picked most of it out, but you know, if it was fish I am still alive and well. The fish isnt, of course. That meal, without any drink, was ¥1,000.

This morning I woke up a little later than yesterday, but far earlier than I ever have in the US. I read comics in bed for a bit and then got that deep down itch to do some drawing. I went out front and sat on the steps drawing the house across the street. The neighbors downstairs were leaving the house. I think it is a couple with three kids, a boy (maybe 6 years old), a younger girl, and a baby. They were all so cute and running around playing. Then the father came outside and was racing with his son on the street, showing him the proper way to bend his knees and stand to start the race. They didnt know I was watching them. And they probably dont know Im blogging about them, either.

I have to pack tonight, because I leave for Hiroshima tomorrow. I have three days of training. I am excited to see the city, but not to lug a suitcase around the train station again. Once I get back I start work immediately.

Little kids are sumo wrestling on TV! They are so fat!

I am very confident that I will finish a comic book while Im here. There is not much around to distract me. I dont know if I will be as productive as say, someone who moved from Boston to Kentucky, but I'll draw lots of junk.

The sumo wrestler teacher keeps smacking the little kid's ass and he's crying. He has shamed his father.


  1. I am so im;pressed that you're doing this move - I don't know that I would last long in Japan on my own.

    Clearly IFN is on blogs of note because I had the honor of being Pill of the Week last week. And I even wrote myself fan mail...

  2. I am so im;pressed that you're doing this move - I don't know that I would last long in Japan on my own.

    Clearly IFN is on blogs of note because I had the honor of being Pill of the Week last week. And I even wrote myself fan mail...

  3. Now how the hell do you remove double comment entries, I'm such an idiot

  4. Your blogs are making me laugh every day....I hope you are having fun!

  5. by the way...nicole is actually NIKKI. I have no idea why it has to use my grown up name...

  6. your blogging is hysterical.
    ...and thanks again for the paper doll. my wife and son thought it was very funny.

  7. 2nd favorite quote said by Jeannette Langmead: "They didnt know I was watching them. And they probably dont know Im blogging about them, either."

  8. I can't wait for the next instalment of this. I'm still holding thumbs for a happy ending...

  9. u should like hiroshima and u should try to get there at least once a month if u can for ur sanity lol if not osaka but ur a lil away from there. and the heat should end by the middle of october latest cause in tokyo it was over in sept but since ur south and all i figure give it a month. get use to ur futon and living on the floor lol its a cultural thingy i did it for 4 yrs.
    look forward to reading more about ur adventures in the land of the rising sun. oh and 1000 yen for meal is cheap lol wait til u have to sepend 20,000 yen. and exchange ur dollars for yen at the bank i think its about 120 or so forgot havent seen NHK lately but its been on the rise which is good for u gaijins. michael dailey oh bout the furniture i believe u have to tell the clerk which # u want and they will get it for u.

  10. j: i just got caught up on what's going on in the land of the rising sun. its sounds like it's a blast. seriously.

    pretty soon, you'll have a japanese lover who you can take to the stores and he will help you buy furniture. and other things. i think. what?

    i'll shut up now.

  11. Im glad you guys like my talking blog! Thanks!
