Saturday, January 31, 2009

Garden Update

table gardenWell, the garden has moved from fridge-top to table-top. I was worried it wasnt getting enough light. Also, I couldnt really see up there; Motto was always announcing to me the something sprouted, and I'd be jumping up and down, "Let me see! Let me see!"

radish The radish is growing pretty fast. I have named him DJ, after the blogger. Because he asked. And he's the tallest. He's got some weird brown spots. It looks likes someone tried to light him on fire.

carrotA few carrots have sprouted and I named them Switchsky, because I remember she grew some real carrots once.

Two spring onions have started growing, in two different pots. I have a feeling I only planted two seeds. Obviously that wont be enough to top anyone's Ramen. I will name the one on the left D and the one on the right Olivia.

parsley The parsley is the only plant that hasn't sprouted yet. Maybe it was too dark on that side of the fridge. So, this patch of dirt is Steve.


  1. very appropriate as i too will make you cry just for cutting into me.

    way to be an urban homesteader.

  2. may your garden be green & leafy!

  3. I love the tasteful arrangement of your tabletop. And all your little graveyard names will have a certain resonance as you eat them.

  4. Nice to see they are doing well!
    Considering i helped to demystify gardening for you, i am a little insulted i do not have one named after me....

  5. Your time will come, it's not even spring yet!

  6. a carrot name switchsky! can it yodel?

  7. I quite often feel like a patch of dirt.

    A not un-fecund entity...
