Monday, December 15, 2008

Did It!

The day we've all been waiting for has arrived! Motto and I adopted a bunny! Her name is Raspberry-chan and she's the cutest bunny in this prefecture. She enjoys chewing cords, pooping in her litter box dutifully, and biting feet. She dislikes sudden movements, bananas, and when I hit her in the head with the door. I taught her one trick already, too.


  1. Let me get this straight.

    You just got a bunny and and now you are going on vacation. You are such a bad parent.

    why did you name it raspberry because apple was already taken

  2. Cute cute cute!

    Don't tell my grandmother, she'll think it's spit-roasted rabbit with a raspberry confit.

  3. I do draw, I just dont scan or photoshop.

    And I'm kind of in a "I do whatever I want all the time phase, regardless of pressures people overseas put on me." And I'm not just talking about you, JPiC.

  4. I have a 3 week vacation, I'm not going anywhere! They just shut my schools down and tell me not to come back til Jan 6!

    And yes, Raspberry's name may have come from my belief that everything born after 1997 should be named after fruit.

  5. Oh cute! I totally want a bunny... completely impractical, but I want a bunny anyway.

  6. Please draw less.

    Bunny pictures are all I need, really.

  7. wait... you can get a rabbit to poop in a litter box??

  8. Yeah, they're really easy to train. Getting her to stop eating the wooden molding around the house is a bit trickier.

  9. thats so freaking cute...

    so.... you got a rabbit and you taught it the trick of being scared of doors ^^

    im amased at your artistic skills.... very nice.
