Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Post About Twitter

I followed a link on Mattias Ink's blog that said Blogging Is Dead, pull the plug! It says Facebook, Flickr, MySpace, and Twitter are much faster and easier ways to keep everyone involved in your life, and they're easy on the ol' attention span.

Obviously after reading this I realized that I am lacking one of the four major self-publishing, self-loving memberships, and instantly signed up with (no www's, that's so 2004), here I am at

Im not sure how Twitter will save my life yet, it seems a lot like the Facebook "status" thing (which I hardly ever update, right now mine says "Jeannette is planning her summer vay-kay to Mt Fuji...woohoo SPRING BREAK '97! OMGLOLz!" or something like that). But, Im thinking having more ways to make myself seem important by sharing my thoughts with people I met at a party once while I was in Montreal might be the push I need to get me back to the masturbation that is blogging regularly, which might ultimately lead to a breakdown of this block that has kept me from drawing anything neat in the last few weeks (ok, months). People need to know what I, Jeannette, think about all of this. I need to remind myself of how important I am. For my art.

Tweet. Tweet.


  1. It's as if Japan has made you refine your sarcasm and apathy... It's very amusing to read.

  2. Oh god. I will stay away from this as far as I stay away from World Of Warcraft, because it would ruin my already shot attention span. Flickr, however... that stuff is like crack.


    Word verification: proubbea. Whatever THAT is...

  3. And yeah, blogging feels so slow and isolated as opposed to Flickr & co.

  4. Also, lol at MySpace being "fast and easy". It slow and grueling. I wonder how this site manages to not collapse under its own weight. It took me ONE HOUR to figure out how I even insert a profile image (and I already forgot how already), and having to insert images via Photobucket is a JOKE. I hate that site, but somehow I started using it again (that reminds me, feel free to search and add me, I´m still there under my normal name).

    Why do I keep putting walls of text into your comment section? I think I should go to bed now.

  5. The best way to get back into drawing might be drawing.

  6. Wow. Well, I'm not going to leave ****four**** comments like Ready Freddy here (these German boys are so eager to share information), but I will say, simply, that I miss the rampant Jeannette of ye olden days.

  7. Wanna update twitter and your facebook status at the same time? (.coms are so 2007) does the job!

    I'm not being paid. I swear!

    p.s. And wow, you're permanently in Japan now?
