Monday, October 6, 2008

To blog or not to blog...

The trend with blogs seems to be, you start a blog, pick a name, write a first post, email all your friends and relatives with the news, "I have a new blog! I am amazing!" Then, you continue writing, people somehow find it, they read yours, you read theirs. You start counting comments. You being thinking about life in terms of how what you're experiencing can be turned into a blog post. Then, all of a sudden, a slump hits. There's no time for blogging. You didn't blog about a vacation or two and feel like you've totally ruined this online narrative of your life. Or, as the angry mob starts commenting, "what happened to your once-interesting-insightful-funny-blog?," you begin to ask yourself, "why do I even write on this thing at all?"

My life is just as interesting without it. Just, no one else knows.

I started this blog to write about my crazy "Year In Japan." As that year is turning into two, and I'm growing more and more accustomed to this backward culture, I am left wondering why am I blogging at all?

My sketchblog, on the other hand, could use some attention.


  1. Do you think this is new? There are probably centuries of unfinished diaries for people who tried to recount their lives that way.

    Hey, if you have something to say, say it. I do like to hear what is going on with your life. If you are too busy, that's fine too.

  2. My number one rule with blogging is blog because you enjoy it. If it stops being fun, if real life gets in the way, don't blog. Simple.

    But you know... as a fellow ex-pat I hope you do keep blogging because I like reading about other people's experiences.

  3. So ... you wrote a post about not writing posts ... how about a blog about not maintaining a blog? You could call it, "Not Writing a Blog in Kudamatsu". Or, "Drinking the Japanese Version of Glass Cleaner in Kudamatsu".

  4. Yes, please, on the Sketchblog; or not, whatever.

  5. what everyone else said. i, too, like hearing about life in weird japan, but you know, whatev. if it's a drain on mental resources, bail.

  6. I always ask myself why...and, if i can't think of an answer within 5 seconds, I stop doing it. :-P

  7. If you stop blogging, you will stop existing somehow.

    For me.

    I am tempted to write next 'not that you give a shit', but instead shall not write that, but something else.



  8. lots of us read and don't say anything... and if you haven't noticed it's all the same names showing up all over the blogosphere... like prozac above here... see that cat everywhere... you should check out tartax blogging without obligation... BWO... there's really no rules friend... write... don't write... I'd prefer if you did as I think you've got a strong voice and are an individual... world needs more of this... and also this is a part of the new aesthetic... don't believe me??? just wait a decade... and then you'll be glad to have been a part of a liberation of the mind...

    (and I like your sketch blog too)\

