Thursday, July 24, 2008

Letter of Resignation

Dear Boss Lady,

I regret to inform you that I'm leaving (your company). It is with reluctance that I'm submitting this letter. I have enjoyed working with everyone and have learned a great deal, and my departure in no way reflects badly on the company. Although my time with (your company) has been, on the whole, satisfying and productive, for quite a while now I have become less and less satisfied with the work situation. The split schedule, work load, and the living situation are making it increasingly difficult for me to continue here. Please be informed that I am resigning as of 8月31日. I'll be happy to help train a replacement before I go.



(Taken straight from the first Google result for "resignation template")


  1. Seems silly to actually put any WORK into a resignation from WORK.

  2. i love that your first instinct was to google 'resignation template'. when faced with similar problems i usually wander around a bit wondering where i can find help and then i remember, 'oh yeah. there's that thing called the internet.' a difference between our two generations i suspect.

    but wait. what? what does this mean? are you leaving japan? or just your job?

  3. "Dear boss lady" is the actual translation? That´s adorable!

  4. who are you calling stalker?
    and does your mom know you would fuck an ugly person for $10?

    tsk tsk tsk

  5. I LOVE where will u go now? what will you eat? how shall you live? Wanna teach in Ecuador :P
