Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Rock Bottom

I really put myself out there on this blog. And Im going to continue that trend and be honest. A few nights ago I rented "Music & Lyrics" from Tsutaya. It's a horrible movie starring Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore. I knew it would be bad, but I few choices. Id rented every single English DVD in Japan.

I had never even heard of "M&L" until I came here and started compulsively renting shit movies. As the films I watched got worse the previews before them did too. I kept seeing the ad and telling myself you're not renting it, it will be like this awful commercial but longer. But it was even worse than I could've imagined. Im so totally offended by how bad it was, and I wasnt even watching it most the time, I was playing Scrabulous on Facebook.

What I did watch made me sad for Hugh Grant, but also sad for myself for feeling sad for Hugh Grant. He's old and not funny or charming. And that movie looked like it took all of 15 minutes to write. Besides there being no plot, no one falls in love with a guy that much tanner then they are. That's just retarded.

And Happy Birthday Alex! You dont read this, but if you did you'd think Im an awesome sister!


  1. I like Hugh. I think he is still charming and good looking even if he is almost 50, meaning he's almost as old as my dad. The guy who wrote this movie is a friend of his. Hugh really needs to stop doing movies as favors for his friends because apart from Richard Curtis, they can't write a decent romantic comedy.

  2. they have this crazy thing called the internet? where you can watch movies? (free). or even itunes. jesus. there's no reason to flush your life down the toilet like that.

  3. fuck all of you. anyway, my internet connection isnt fast enough to even stream youtube, let alone download a movie. havent i bitched about that before? thats why LSL had to send me burnt copies of 'this american life'

  4. oh jeez! What HAVEN'T you bitched about?!

    By the way, Fountains of Wayne's Adam Schlesinger did a lot of the music for "Music and Lyrics". But, yes the movie did suck.

  5. Effective immediately, your (platinum) membership in the Hugh Grant Makes Me Damp club has been revoked. You can drop your copy of Love, Actually in any mailbox, whereupon it will be randomly assigned to a twelve year-old girl in the Australian outback. Who still might not accept it.

    Priest rules!

  6. I actually quite liked it, but I tend to alternate rampant cuntish cynicism with full-blown sentimentality.
