Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Convenient Zen

Ok, this was taken yesterday. And obviously not by me. But, it was my camera. So here's your photo of the day!

I'm waiting outside 7-11. That's what we do here.

In unrelated self-kudoracity, today at work I was Google Imaging "springtime illustration" with my boss, so I could steal some images for a sign we were making. On page 10 my "I Ruin Everything" comic showed up. Me, in my bra, angry at the world. Dont know what that has to do with springtime, but needless to say I didnt click it.


  1. for some reason it really freaks me out that there's 7-11 in japan. i mean, there's barely any 7-11s here.

  2. did you get a Root Beer Slurpee and a MAD Magazine?

  3. "What happens

    to the hole

    if the cheese

    is gone?"

    I wish someone would make this into a hand-painted little paperweight statue. I would buy that.

  4. They dont have root beer here. :(

  5. it looks like you're pan-handling.
