Saturday, December 22, 2007


Ive been reading and sleeping and eating and drawing. I havent had an English conversation with someone since Monday. My futon has been moved into the living room, and my roommate moved out. I wrote some blog entries at home, but then I got sick of the idea of talking about myself, so I cant manage to bring them to the internet cafe. I get sad when I think about my dying sketchblog, but then Im happy because I know my comic book is taking shape. Very, very, slowly.

EDIT 2007.12.27
I added the posts I wrote at home.


  1. When can we have some scans of the fucker?

  2. There's no feeling like the finished comic feeling. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

  3. I bet the hardest part about being in a foreign country is indeed not being able to talk in your mother language for a long time.

    I bet your comic will drop like a bomb! (I forgot whether or not this proverb is praising something or not, but read that as a praise.)

  4. What, is that hard to get quality heroin over there? Oh well, Happy Christmas!

  5. I wasnt planning on putting the comic up online. I was gunna show y'all it in book-form.

  6. I was going to say something uplifting and cheery but can't think of something! I hate Japanese food too. I hate being in a place where I can't read the signs, where it's impossible to understand anything and where everyone is shorter than me and dark haired. I don't volunteer for the Japanese trips that I should be taking, I send someone else!@
    There - are you cheered up?

  7. The "Frozen Peas" update reads like something by Paul Auster (slowly drifting away from the real world, OH GOD!), and I really laughed at the shower story in the other.

    is really quote-worthy. How come japanese homes have speaking household appliances?

    Also, good luck on your creative crisis. My tip would be to just let it go completely for a while (don´t even think about it if that´s possible) and after a week or two you´ll be back at it. Or maybe not. Some people go through that for years and years, but I guess you´re not one of them.

  8. Also, not having the right work surroundings for drawing really is a big hindrance.

  9. what a difference a week makes, eh? good to hear it's taking shape. non-monster shape hopefully.

  10. my books to you came back, the said you don't exist. Fuck.

  11. I hate that shitty Japanese food, too. I loved your line - no matter what I buy I can taste Japan in it. Don't get me started on the Italian (Itarian) food. What a scam.

  12. i can't wait for you to come back to boston, draw, and eat burritos with me!!!!!!
