Saturday, November 10, 2007

Sunshine and Lollipops

I am encouraging you not to read the following. Especially children.

Now that I have a plan and kind of know what Im doing I have time to get really really pissed. I have no money and no answers. The Nova teachers still havent been paid two month's salaries. I used all the money I had to come to this fucking country. Now Im in a huge hole that'll take years to climb out of. Not to mention the government here doesnt give a shit about all the unemployed gaijins. There are some rumours that if I go to this city and find some sort of window marked "Nova" I may get a form that'll tell me how long I have to wait to get paid--but obviously, no one at the magic window speaks English. This is a full-on rant right now. No paragraph breaks. I was interrupted from watching some godawful video next door with the news, via text message, that there is a meeting a few cities over tomorrow, at 10am, where I can resign? Or get the paperwork to resign? Because if I dont resign I have to interview again? I DONT EVEN KNOW! These fucking broken English text messages being passed down through dozens of people make no sense. Not to mention, I dont even have a cell phone! Im hearing all this second and third hand! Just pay me my goddamn money! And Im not going to resign!? I dont even qualify for unemployment! I just biked here and Im spending all the money I have to figure out what's going on. And Im fucking hungry and sick of alternating between rice and pasta every night! I feel like Im going to explode. I am so pissed. I want to rip this computer from the wall and scream at these people around me. But they wouldnt ever understand a fucking word Im saying!! My shoes have huge holes in them. You can see my socks. I cant afford new ones and if I could it'd take too long to try and buy them. AND I HAVE NOTHING TO READ and was desperate enough to start the fucking Da Vinci Code. AND maybe I got a job that starts in two months, but the Korean winter camp hasnt called me back, and I dont even know how Id afford to get there. Today someone made a phone call to Nova personnel in Osaka to ask about our apartments and no one has a fucking clue when we have to leave. There advice was wait for a court order. SPEAKING OF COURT ORDERS--my dentist bill continues to go unpaid, which will result in another summons... as well as my student loan, cell phone, and soon my website. Read this for a laugh. Im never getting paid. Fuck I fucking hate this fucking place. And, as a result of this rant my mom is going to be pissed at me and make me feel bad. AHHHH! I cant believe how bad I got screwed coming here. The life I used to have and hated is gone, and been replaced by a new life I hate. I just feel like it'd be OK if there was someone I could punch. Or light on fire.


  1. All of this that you`re going through sounds absurd. Do you need me to pay some bills for you?
    The Canadian dollar is higher than the US dollar by almost 10 cents. It would be like pennies for me to pay your dentist bill or whatever.

  2. Punch vs light on fire ... I think you know where my vote is.

  3. Let Jon pay that dentist bill, really.

    I hate to say this, but a lot of that bullshit sounds very familiar. I have such a love/hate relationship with that country and those people who never once in four years stopped taking pictures of me. I hope the Korea job comes through, and I hope Jon pays your dentist bill.

  4. The uncertainty of it all is what sucks most. I kind of got lucky in that I was already so broke that I couldn't even really consider sticking around, so that made my decision for me. Hope everything works out in the end - at least after this, nothing else will ever really seem all that bad.

  5. oh man - I'm just catching up on your whole ordeal here - what a disaster - I hope you can hold out for two months

  6. all things work to the good.....

    ask and it will be given, look and you will find,......

    if it doesnt kill you, it will make u stronger.

    think of circles within circles, within circles, you are on the outter most one looking in, always to be kept at a distance and in your place.

    Welome to Japan and have a pleasant stay.

  7. Oh boy.

    Now, do your think your old life didn´t suck that much looking back? If so, I´d be even more pissed.

    But remember, God doesn´t close a door without opening another somewhere else, unless he lost his keys. (I told that wrong somehow.)

    Maybe this is just the way that life teaches us things? Seriously, I´d love to give you some wise advice here, but I can´t think of any. The only lesson that could be learned is "sometimes, everything is stinky poo poo".

    Wish you a lot of strength,

  8. Dude, I am so sorry that you are going through this shit. This kind of stuff shouldn't be happening to you... it should happen to someone like Bannish.

    That smelly farty bitch.

    I hope shit gets better and soon.


  9. You did not screw up. They did. You just trusted. Oh well, you won't go to jail. Your life is not ruined. The hole will be climbed out of. If you need specific help email me

  10. Oh, stop showing off Jon!

    And thanks everyone for your concern and offers to help. This whole thing has showed me how much you need other people to help you get your shit togther. Coombaya!

  11. i want you to come home

  12. and eat burritos with me all day

  13. What do you need? How can I help? I dont know Jon but I agree that he has the dentist bill. I love you and know that this too shall pass but it is very good to vent. If you dont let needs be known God cant meet them. I will pray that you wont step on anything sharp. Love, Susan
