Friday, October 26, 2007

Pick my next country!

As far as I can tell there's no work for me in Japan. The market for hiring unskilled gaijin is flooded. Where should I head to next? Suggestions/offers? I'll go anywhere and do any job, live on a couch (beats my futon mat), do your dishes, laundry...

Serious offers only.


  1. Talk to my wife who is nihon jin. she said it all depends on the type of work visa you have when you entered Japan. If its just for english teaching employment, then thats the only kinda job u can get legally. Basicly you need someone who will sponsor you while you are in Japan. Which is usually your employer. If you quit this job u need to find a new company sponsor. There can't be 4000 native speaking ppl looking to teach english, is there.
    Hope something works out for you soon else you seriously better think about Boston. To get another type of work visa u need to actually leave the country to fill out the paper work file it then return. Lots of ppl go to Korea to do it. Just telling you incase your dead set in staying in Japan.

  2. you dont happen to be employed by Nova Group?
    It was on the Japanes news about the president resigning tonight. They said basicly like you did that they are resturucting the company. How long that takes is any ones guess, since its already been about a year that the trouble started.

  3. Korea! They need English teachers there, and it's a super-quick flight.

  4. Hoping the best for you Jeanette!

  5. Taiwan also need English teachers as well, but I'll have to agree with lsl, Korea is the best choice for you right now.

    I did this quick search on google:

    Hope it helps.

  6. What a story! Cool to see the power of the internet being used for good though... Hope everything works out well for you.

  7. hey Jeannette, this story has been huge in NZ lately, since there seemed to be quite a few Kiwis employed by Nova, so just to turn things around how about teaching English in New
    Zealand - it's only a stone throw from Japan, really,and there's heaps of English schools here and heaps of international students wanting to learn. hey, it's an idea, you know..
