Monday, September 17, 2007


Last night I was packing and someone was using my computer to creep around Facebook when my monitor suddenly shut off. And it wouldnt come back on. I gave it the night to rest, fix itself. But nothing, it would not turn on. And there was the burning smell.

Being lazy and busy doing other things (starting a new blog, eating cupcakes) I hadnt transfered all my files to my new* laptop. Most importantly I hadnt backed up any of the high resolution scans of my drawings. And some of the drawings are gone for good, sent off in the mail to better homes.

So, I figured it was the monitor. I asked Lauren to come over and bring her monitor. Yes, I ask Lauren to do a lot. I plugged in her pretty little flat screen thing and it still didnt work. This is not what I want to be dealing with 48 hours before I leave.

Turns out my video card burnt out or broke or something, so I just had to take it out, yell at it, and plug the monitor into a different hole.

Perhaps this blog will get more interesting once I get off the plane.



  1. You know, sometimes it´s just a problem of some part inside the case being unplugged. Yes, it happens, and all by itself. I´ll never forget how I tried to set up a internet connection 7 years ago (with those modems that go NIOOOKRWARSRAKSXXTTZ), messing around with drivers and settings ALL DAY, only to find out the socket where I plugged in the modem wasn´t connected to anything inside the computer.

    Not to mention my old PC that just...DIED after two years of use.

    There are many things you can buy cheap alternatives of, mostly clothes, but don´t buy rubbish PCs, you will bite your own ass in frustration later.

  2. wow, that's timing for you!

    good luck with the move. your portrait is framed and ready to mail as soon as you have an address.

  3. You say talking blog, I say screaming blog ...

  4. Interesting enough for me.

    But then I get a kick out of reading the back of rice packets.

  5. Jeannette,
    this blog makes my life seem like a breeze. Hang in there and have good trip!

  6. You might be able to find a USB adaptor of some sort that would bypass the video card.

    Also, welcome to Japan!

  7. next stop land of the rising sun enjoy ur time it will go fast michael daiely
